When I taught in classroom, I loved using Class Dojo! It is a completely free classroom management system that can be used with an interactive whiteboard and/or the app on a tablet or phone. Class Dojo was designed for classroom teachers to track points for individual students. I set up my classes as individual students and awarded points to the class as a whole.
I awarded points for having a good attitude, cooperating, participating in class activities, and entering/exiting the classroom quietly.

I took away points for showing disrespect, causing a disruption, fighting with one another, interrupting the teacher or another student, and being out of their seat.

I then gave prizes based on the following point system (achieved by the whole class).
- 25 Points = Sucker
- 50 Points = Pencil
- 75 Points = Silly Band
- 100 Points = Wii Dance Party
Now I use Class Dojo in a new way with my private lesson studio. I enter students individually and group them together by method book level. Students receive points for meeting their practice goal, playing off their assignment, memorizing, and completing their written theory assignment. At the end of the month, I give a prize to the student in each level with the highest number of points. Students cannot win two months in a row so other students have a chance to win. At the end of the semester, I give giftcards to the three students with the highest total points for the entire semester. Class Dojo just introduced groups so I am now able to make one class for my entire studio and then assign students to groups based on their method book level. I can give points to individual students and/or the entire group! Here’s a look at setup: 1. Create a class by giving it a name and choosing the grade level.
2. Enter the students in your class.
3. Once students are entered, Class Dojo generates invitations for you to connect with parents and send reports to them
4. Set up behaviors (both positive and negative)
(Preloaded behaviors are changed by clicking on the behavior box – you can even weight the behaviors by assigning multiple points to the category)
5. Assign students to groups
Once your groups are set up, you can assign points by clicking on the student and giving positive or negative points.
I leave my iPad sitting on the piano so I can give feedback (positive or negative) as the lesson progresses. At the end of the month, I run my report and reset the points. I can use the report to know which of my students are not progressing and/or do not meet their practice goal on a regular basis. It has been a huge motivator for my students because they like to compete with one another. I love Class Dojo! It is a great FREE management tool! Check it out and let me know what you think! Musically,
Katie Robertson
Cowgirl Compositions
I have found that I cannot manage keeping up with points for every one of my 500+ students. This year I am going to try something different. I have selected 5 students per class to earn the points for the class. I selected those that needed the most frequent feedback to stay on track and told them they are my special project crew. I sent home the parent letters, hoping those parents will sign up for communication because these are the parents I need to be in regular contact with. I am going to offer a reward to the whole class if this crew meets their point goal for the day. My first rewards will be a GoNoodle video or a Just Dance video during the last few minutes of class. The WHOLE class will earn the reward if the special project crew gets their goal. We just started, but the students are excited to be earning the points and I have a few of the parents already connected. I am hoping this will work as a step between Katie’s suggestion of using only one icon per class and keeping up with the whole student body.
I am just starting to use this- just learning how to use it. I am not going to allow parents to see the points but plan to use it as Katie does- for class rewards. I am also excited to use it as a PR tool for parents- to keep them informed about things we’re doing in class.
I’ve wondered about using class dojo in the music room, but instead of having individual students and 14+ different classes, assigning each class an avatar, possibly grouping them by grade. Has anyone ever tried anything like this??
I haven’t but I think that sounds like a terrific idea. Definitely sounds like it would be more manageable, less time consuming and then everyone is working on class behavior together. I say go for it and give it a try!
LOVE ClassDojo! I use it for my most difficult classes, helps keep track of their many negative behaviors, so that I can look for patterns or have back up for conferences with parents. I am considering putting ALL my students in next year I love it so much! Also, if homeroom teacher uses it, he/she can grant you access to their class so you can award point, great tool for supporting each other!